PushMatrix / PopMatrix

A transformation is represented mathematically as a matrix.

OpenGL maintains a stack of saved transformation matrices.

glPushMatrix() & glPopMatrix() save and restore transformation state.

Make sure you always have the same number of pushes & pops.

The number of transformations you can save is finite; it is at least 32.

Example: pushpop.py

Hierarchical Transformations

Hierarchical transformations can be thought of as transformations that are "attached to" other transformations.

They are used to transform objects relative to other objects.

A common use is in articulated bodies.

Hierarchical Transformations

We can draw this "car" by transforming the two wheels relative to the body of the car.

We'd like each wheel to be affected by the car body's transformation, but not by any other wheel's transformation.

Hierarchical Transformations

This can be accomplished by saving & restoring transformation state.

apply body transformation
draw body
save state
apply front wheel transformation
draw wheel
restore saved state
apply rear wheel transformation
draw wheel


Transformation Hierarchy

Hierarchical transformations are often represented as a tree of transformations.

This is the basis of scene graph systems.


Pythagorean Theorem

A*A + B*B = C*C

Cartesian Coordinates

Euclidean Distance

Distance between two points P0 (x0,y0) and P1 (x1,y1):

   A = x1 - x0
   B = y1 - y0

   (x1-x0)*(x1-x0) + (y1-y0)*(y1-y0) = C*C

   dist = C = sqrt((x1-x0)*(x1-x0) + (y1-y0)*(y1-y0))

Distance between two 3D points P0 (x0,y0,z0) and P1 (x1,y1,z1):

   dist = sqrt((x1-x0)*(x1-x0) + (y1-y0)*(y1-y0) + (z1-z0)*(z1-z0))

Comparing Distances

sqrt is considered an expensive (i.e. slow) function

Avoid using it if you can
For example, to determine which of 2 points (P1 or P2) is closer to point P0:

  dist1 = (x1-x0)*(x1-x0) + (y1-y0)*(y1-y0) + (z1-z0)*(z1-z0)
  dist2 = (x2-x0)*(x2-x0) + (y2-y0)*(y2-y0) + (z2-z0)*(z2-z0)
  if dist1 < dist2:
        P1 is closer
        P2 is closer


sin(A) = opposite / hypotenuse
cos(A) = adjacent / hypotenuse
tan(A) = opposite / adjacent


opposite = hypotenuse * sin(A)
adjacent = hypotenuse * cos(a)


x = radius * cos(A)
y = radius * sin(A)


Standard math library functions use radians

360 degrees = 1 full circle = 2 π radians

(Circumference of unit circle = 2 π)

    radians = degrees / 360.0 * 2 * pi


    radians = degrees / 180.0 * pi
(or use Python's pre-defined functions math.radians(d) and math.degrees(r))

Making a Circle

    for degrees in range(0, 360): 
        angleInRadians = math.radians(degrees)
        x = math.cos(angleInRadians) * radius
        y = math.sin(angleInRadians) * radius


Vehicle has direction and speed of travel

Direction is orientation - rotation about Z

To move forward:

    distance = speed * time

    dx = math.cos(direction) * distance
    dy = math.sin(direction) * distance

    x = x + dx
    y = y + dy


atan2 converts from (X,Y) coordinates back to angles

Note: it takes arguments in the order Y, X

    angle = math.degrees( math.atan2(y,x) )


Deriving a value for something from two pre-defined values (extremes)

e.g. Moving object from one position to another, over time

Linear Interpolation

Interpolation expressed as fractional distance between the two extremes

Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0
0.0 = first point; 1.0 = second point

Linear Interpolation

For a single value, with extremes V0 & V1 and interpolation fraction A:

    V = (1 - A) * V0 + A * V1

For multiple values, such as XYZ position, use the same fraction A for all:

    X = (1 - A) * X0 + A * X1
    Y = (1 - A) * Y0 + A * Y1
    Z = (1 - A) * Z0 + A * Z1


To interpolate over time, compute interpolation fraction based on the amount of time that has passed.


    def startAnimation():
        animating = True
        startTime = time.time()
        duration = 5

    def computeAnimation():
        if animating:
            t = time.time() - startTime
            if t <= duration:
                a = t / duration
                animating = False
                a = 1
            x = (1-a)*startX + a*endX
            y = (1-a)*startY + a*endY
            z = (1-a)*startZ + a*endZ


Linear Slow-in Slow-out
X = tX = -2*t*t*t + 3*t*t
A2 = -2*A*A*A + 3*A*A
V = (1-A2) * V0 + A2 * V1

Example: interp.py

Creative Commons License
This document is by Dave Pape, and is released under a Creative Commons License.