DrawPixel Options


Necessary if image width is not a multiple of 4

See corrected drawimage.py


glPixelZoom(xzoom, yzoom)

Zooms subsequent images that are drawn - replicates pixels (blocky zoom)

xzoom & yzoom can be different

xzoom & yzoom can be fractional (e.g. 1.5)

xzoom & yzoom can be less than 1 to shrink image

xzoom & yzoom can be negative

Example: zoomimage.py


glPixelTransfer(operation, value)

Provides scale and bias functions for each color channel

e.g. glPixelTransfer(GL_RED_SCALE, 2.0)

Example: pixeltransfer.py

Reading Pixels

data = glReadPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type)
glReadPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, databuffer)

Reads pixel data from frame buffer and stores in system memory

Data can then be written to a file, for a screen-dump


glViewport(x, y, width, height)

Defines region of window to draw into - area covered by orthographic projection

Without a ReshapeFunc, GLUT automatically takes care of it. With a ReshapeFunc, your program must call glViewport() itself.

glScissor(x, y, width, height)

Defines region of window to limit drawing to - pixels outside scissor region will be untouched

Typically set the same as the glViewport()

Example: scissor.py


GLUT provides functions to draw two types of text:

Both functions draw just a single character

Example: glutText0.py

Strings are handled by calling them in a loop

Example: glutText1.py

Bitmap Text

Characters are bitmaps - arrays of pixel data

Starting position set by glRasterPos2f or glRasterPos3f

Size never changes (unaffected by scaling or perspective)
Always screen-aligned
If starting point is off screen, nothing is drawn

Stroke Text

Characters are series of GL lines

Position, size, and orientation affected by normal GL transformations

glutStrokeCharacter() includes transformation to make next character follow current one

Measuring Frame Rate

Frame rate = how many frames are drawn in one second

Good framerate: 30 fps or higher

Programs can check current frame rate and reduce complexity if it drops too low

Example: framerate.py

Creative Commons License
This document is by Dave Pape, and is released under a Creative Commons License.