PHP mysqli

Connect to database (once!)
$db = new mysqli('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'world');
Create & execute a query statement
$statement = $db->prepare('select Code,Name from Country where Population > 100000000');


$statement->bind_result($code, $name);

while ($statement->fetch())
    echo "$code $name <br>\n";

Adding new entries to a table
$statement = $db->prepare('insert into Country (Code, Name, Continent, Region, LocalName, GovernmentForm)
           values ("FRE", "Freedonia", "Europe", "Unknown", "Freedonia", "Anarchy")');


Changing existing data
$statement = $db->prepare('update City set Population=10 where Name="Buffalo"');



World database:


Creative Commons License
This document is by Dave Pape, and is released under a Creative Commons License.